Nestled amidst the vibrant landscape of New York City, rises a beacon of academic excellence—a 37-story tower destined to serve as a student dormitory for Columbia University. Our involvement in this groundbreaking project centered on the meticulous cladding design, undertaken in collaboration with renowned architect Renzo Piano.

The tower’s facade embodies a harmonious blend of functionality and aesthetic appeal. Composed primarily of Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) panels, the cladding system offers both durability and architectural finesse, creating a visual masterpiece that seamlessly integrates with the surrounding urban environment.

A defining feature of the facade is the incorporation of glazed fixtures, strategically positioned to bathe the interior spaces in natural light. This thoughtful design element not only enhances the living experience for the students but also reinforces the university’s commitment to sustainability and well-being.

Our team’s expertise was instrumental in realizing Piano’s visionary architectural concept, ensuring that every aspect of the cladding system met the highest standards of quality and precision. From the initial design phase to the final installation, we remained dedicated to delivering a solution that not only met but exceeded the expectations of our esteemed client.