Short Description / Complete design set for construction of the glazing facades
Year / 2011
Location / Rome, Italy
Architect / ABDR

In 2012 ABDR Architect were appointed to  design a new railway station in Rome, Tiburtina district. MEW was engaged since the very beginning to give them consultancy for all facades. Moreover during construction phase MEW was responsible for shop drawings, construction drawings and structural reports

All facades of the station cover an area as big as one hectare all around it. The main item to be solved was the interaction between the roof movements during wind, snow and earthquake forces, since they are around 15cm in all directions! For this goal, the adopted solution was a hinge at the base of the mullions (made up of a steel plate 4cm thick) and articulated truss elements at the top in the interaction between mullions and roof. The total height is about 10m for all mullions except the main entrance where the height is about 22m. Glass panels are laminated with SGP.

(Photos by Luigi Filetici)